
Custom Checklist | Custom POH | Template POH |Custom Flasher | Rod End Bearing Tool |

Custom Checklist – (from $49)
Let us create a professional-looking checklist, customized for YOUR airplane and YOUR flying.

Custom Pilot’s Operating Handbook – (from $299)
Let us create a professional-looking pilot’s operating handbook, customized for YOUR airplane and YOUR requirements.

Template Pilot’s Operating Handbook – (from $39)
Buy a template word document that, once completed by you, will include the material required to be furnished to the pilot by the Federal Aviatlon Regulations and additional information provided by the manufacturer.

Custom Wig-Wag Flasher – (from $25)

Three versions of the same alternating wig-wag flasher.

Rod End Bearing Tool – (from $5)

A PVC rod end bearing tool. Many sets of plans on the internet, let me make one for you to save you time.

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